近日,出席“吉林大学-昆士兰大学”学术论坛期间,澳大利亚科学院院士Debra J. Bernhardt (Searles)教授应白福全教授邀请访问了理论化学研究所。白福全教授简要介绍了理论化学研究所和基础学科中心的情况。贾然老师和孔垂鹏老师就碳材料和表面分子动力学方面的研究进展进行了深入的交流。

随后,Debra J. Bernhardt (Searles)教授以“Molecular Modelling for Improved Batteries and Supercapacitors”为题,为师生带来了一场精彩的学术讲座。她表示,增强的计算方法和大大提高的计算能力可以应对更复杂的材料和系统。通过介绍超级电容器和固态电解质的研究结果证明了这一点。就电池而言,找到与电极良好结合的高导电性、安全的电解质是关键,而通过模拟手段可以完成材料设计和系统改善。

在交流互动环节,Debra J. Bernhardt (Searles)教授围绕在场师生提出的问题进行了有益的探讨,并对相关领域的发展作出展望。随后Debra J. Bernhardt (Searles)教授参观了唐敖庆理论化学基础学科中心机房,对吉林大学相关学科的快速发展表示赞赏。

Prof. Debra J. Bernhardt is an ARC Australian Laureate Fellow in the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) and School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (SCMB) at The University of Queensland, Australia. Her research program focuses on theoretical and computational approaches to develop a fundamental understanding of the behaviour of matter. She applies these approaches to a wide range of problems, particularly transport in nanoscale systems, nonequilibrium flow, design of materials, energy storage and conversion. She is a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences. Debra publishes as Debra J. Searles.
Web(Personal) http://www.aibn.uq.edu.au/profile/2001/debra-bernhardt
Web(Centre) http://www.aibn.uq.edu.au/ctcms