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Gabriel started his independent career at Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico. In 2012, he joined the Department of Applied Physics at Cinvestav Mérida. His group is focused on predicting molecular systems that violate what is established by the traditional chemistry and that allow taking to the limit basic concepts like the structure, chemical bond, and aromaticity. He was awarded the 2012 Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, the Moshinsky Foundation Awards and the 2018 Walter Kohn Prize, which recognized his pioneering work on predicting and understanding novel systems that violate standard chemical paradigms, and for generalizing and broadening the scope of concepts such as aromaticity, coordination and the chemical bond. He has co-authored about 200 articles, including those in Chemical Reviews, Chemical Society Reviews, Nature Reviews Chemistry, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Chemical Communications and Chemical Science. Now, he is the associate editor of RSC Advance of RSC.

上一篇 :明尼苏达大学Shu Yinan博士 下一篇 :王金兰 教授