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韩山雨 博士


报告题目:Rotational Controlof Photodissociation Dynamics

报 告  人:南京大学国际同位素效应研究中心  韩山雨博士 助理教授

报告时间2023年4月27日(星期四) 下午2:30

报告地点:前卫北区科技楼三楼讲学厅 314 室

报告摘要Rotational excitation of the parent molecule typically has a relatively small impact on both the dynamics and product-state distribution because of the small amount of energy involved in (thermal) rotational excitation as well as the weak coupling between the parent rotation and the dissociative coordinate. On some occasions rotational excitation can be verv important, Here, I present two examples where the parent rotation controls the photodissociation dvnamics. One is the photodissociation of O3 in the Hartleyband, in which the alternations of even and odd states in rotational distribution are dependent of initial rotational states of parent molecules due to almbda doublet propensity. In another case, initial rotational states can strongly influence the vibrational state distribution of CO fragment in HCO photodissociation in the A-band. Such unigue phenomenon is rationalized by the dependence of the lifetime of the vibronic resonance facilitated by the Benner-Teller interaction These two examples underscore the importance of rotational controlin photodissociation.

报告人简介韩山雨博士长期从事非绝热动力学理论研究。在理论方法发展与微观机理研究有系列重要进展。在发展方法方面通过MCTDH 方法实现了五原子体系全维非绝热量子动力学描述;在微观机理方面,在O3、HCO自由基光解发现由量子特性引起的独特动力学现象。已发表论文15篇,包括Nat.Chem.PNAS、Sci.Adv.、 JPCL、 JCTC等。

上一篇 :林惠明 教授 下一篇 :Prof. James C. (JC) Gumbart